Posted by Bantuatha - October 2nd, 2019
MAX 2 (trailer)

Love it but fucking teased however outstanding work and I am going to fucking die horribly in full MAX 2 when is comes out
Abnormis ep1

simple animation I love it but I am bit annoyed I have to wait almost yearly for a next episode
p.s Please forgive for what I did, read my previous post
Kilroy Madness 3

I love it even if it almost made me cry too, I am very proud of this series of ww2 theme now that it ended the war finally over
Singularity: Observation

I love the evolution to weak and strong of your OC can wait what comes next but still though need to know the little more story
Madness : New York Minute

one word "Blyat"
Madness: Sierra Nevada Rebirth

I want this game to be done fully, wish it was done before
Madness Powers: Devolution

didn't realized is a remake before I read a description after finishing a video also you also should make little more improvement some movement it bothers me.
Madness Brutality Collab

Madness: Incident 10v3 DEMO

Madness GOTO Heaven

chinese collab, gerinc, heaven and much oof on bad clip expect A-max and eviltoro they are the best
5/10 for collab self (9/10 for A-max and eviltoro)

I am really proud of this polandguy his successful solo animation but there is one small downside....the text is too fast that's the only issue

hmm...interesting but I wonder what's store for the future
Soul Madness 2
Madness Whitehank Zero: The Mulligan

Okay so this one I have to talk about important for this wank 0.
So I have been looking forward this Wank 0 to be released on madness day but since is late I have to wait about 2 more days once is out is fucking 40 mins long... And I am dead serious fucking 40 mins long of this project it feels like they overdo it and broke Jsoull's Paradig2 record I mean what were they thinking also I noticed I can see my own OC's hand on the hotdog stand but it is censored off screen in Jackson's clip I amused (is obviously he liked 70's action movie and there is 70's gun sound effect too) I wanted the hotdog and censored joke but it is literally hotdog and censored off screen I am very very disappointed ever since the leak too. the other one I wanna talk about is the voice of Neo Wank and since everyone has been asking "who voice this neo?". you are looking at me I did the voice of neo by helping out with Mrs.Nail's clip and yeah I've been spoiled almost everything from Nail even telling me the plot....however the story is entirely a fucking loop now I wish I wanted to go with Wank theory, but that is for another time since the story almost make sense but still confusing as fuck
12/10 plus 5 for having my voice in minus 3 for censoring me off screen.
if didn't included your animation there just let me know I just wanted to get this out of the way so have a good day.
- Tags:
Okay so this one I have to talk about important for this wank 0.
So I have been looking forward this Wank 0 to be released on madness day but since is late I have to wait about 2 more days once is out is fucking 40 mins long... And I am dead serious fucking 40 mins long of this project it feels like they overdo it and broke Jsoull's Paradig2 record I mean what were they thinking also I noticed I can see my own OC's hand on the hotdog stand but it is censored off screen in Jackson's clip I amused (is obviously he liked 70's action movie and there is 70's gun sound effect too) I wanted the hotdog and censored joke but it is literally hotdog and censored off screen I am very very disappointed ever since the leak too. the other one I wanna talk about is the voice of Neo Wank and since everyone has been asking "who voice this neo?". you are looking at me I did the voice of neo by helping out with Mrs.Nail's clip and yeah I've been spoiled almost everything from Nail even telling me the plot....however the story is entirely a fucking loop now I wish I wanted to go with Wank theory, but that is for another time since the story almost make sense but still confusing as fuck
12/10 plus 5 for having my voice in minus 3 for censoring me off screen.
if didn't included your animation there just let me know I just wanted to get this out of the way so have a good day.