Set FPS To 30!
Status: Nothing matters anymore, perhaps I will keep myself quiet and think about it for once.
Age 30, Male
Joined on 9/29/07
Set FPS To 30!
Shit [2]
wow thats...alot
Why.Are.You.Still.HERE!? you are a failure at life.
i will never die AND YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN MADNESS EXMORTIS 4 OR 5 (as a evil one)
Some were good, others sucked.
Thats not even its name TV face lol you havint improved since 2007 lolol
yes it is Krinkels confined his name.
show me
well i talk to him on steam
Most tests aren't TOO bad, the only suggestion I could possibly give is that you need to increase dat fps, and when you do that your OBVIOUSLY going to have to add a LOT more frames.
Hey nice :D can i give you my classic sprites and u and me find the dead guy