You are a Shelfish N****r
You never made birthday flash for somebody else
But you want everybody else make flash for you
Status: Nothing matters anymore, perhaps I will keep myself quiet and think about it for once.
Age 30, Male
Joined on 9/29/07
You are a Shelfish N****r
You never made birthday flash for somebody else
But you want everybody else make flash for you
I, I'll make.
No, wait, I'm remaking Madness Exmortis, Madness Dickman, and NOW i'm apparantly making Dickman prologue. WHAT FUCKING CRAZY WORLD DO I LIVE IN???
sorry i want to be just like DIMB if i going to do my best!
BlazeCat is right you never made any birthday flash for anyone!
Okay you must be retarded if you think you can be as good as dimb. You are NOWHERE NEAR as good as people like Hankforkiller. And HE'S known for being really shit. You're a worse animator than FaBc. And that's an impossibility.
What if we dont make it?
i will eat you lol penis cupcake
Understandable english version:
I've leveled up so i wanted to make this quick update
I'm making Madness Dickman 2 now and it should be ready for MD11
My birthday is on the 25th of january so you better make a flash about me :)
I may ask Mikik if he will work with me to make Madness Dickman Prologue
Yes, the wii will do nicely lol.
thanks now im going to make madness dickman:Prologue for you,just like DIMB
LoL u AtE mArCo CaStRo pEnIs
Fuck you Blaze the Retard
Mastur Batecho iS ePiC gAy
PERFECT walk test? That was the worst test like that i have ever seen and it is as choppy as hell.
well is almost look like it but hey like my new look?
Yes, like Mikik said, that is VERY choppy! Please tell me you didn't use 12 fps this time..... Either way, needs TONS of work.
but i use more layer do i need to watch a video to help me?
Yes, watching a tutorial video can help very much.....
You characters will never cool !!!
look you noob i use 7 layer ok i need to get more work untill i got it right ok?
Hey Lib how come you make people remake your Character if you dont do nothing for them?
For once, Marco is right. You NEVER make people things for their birthdays and remake their characters, its like being a whore.
WTF? you use 5 fps or what? this walk really isnt perfect
well i watch a video to help me
also i use 28 or 30 frames but is still not good yet
i got it do more frame by frame until i got it right.
His name is Lubos not Lobos
I see you use 7 layer and 12 fps!!
i told you and look at my screenshot!
the m 16 is so big do it small
also im glad you like new chrakter that i make
and nice test but still need some tranig to be perfekt
(this is not translete by google im not sure it is translete well)
Do We Have To Make A Flash About You?
for my birthday yes